Monday, March 12, 2012

Wham! Bam! I'm a 'drop - out', ma'am!

I can hear it now! The Saintly sighs, the holier than thou huff's! Why 'Proverbs 31 Flunky?!' She has to be kidding? She's makin' us 'good' Christians look bad!
DON'T WORRY! That's NOT what I'm here for! 
I Love Proverbs 31 in the bible, but it is a BIG task for this feeble minded woman, and everyday I either feel like I made strides in that direction ~ or failed miserably! Never Acing that course, though!
So, as a wife, mommy,daughter, sister, friend, get your 'laugh on' with me as we face some of these days together! Maybe not so much learning about what we failed on for the day - but what God has graced us on for the day!
 I guess I got to this 'drop -out, flunky' thing after really dwelling on what it means to be a  real proverbs 31 woman. I examined my life:
1.Am I self controlled?
     If your name is 'chocolate' I will gobble you up...
     So, answer would be 'NO!"
2.Can I do it all?
    Why does the Lord keep putting friends in my life that are perfectionist? Seriously?! Is that a joke?!
     Is it just so I can see how little I get done everyday?
3. Do I take care of others? Help those in need?
    By 'others' do you mean, 'me!' I'm really good at putting me first!
4. Am I perfect, like the proverbs 31 woman seems to be? 
    Perfectly saved by GRACE! And Thank goodness for it, because, this girl is farrrrr from perfect.
*Gasp!* I know! To admit that publicly, as a woman, in this day and age, when people could see I'm strugglin' with loads of laundry, sassy kids and folks, don't judge me, but I listen to LMFAO when the kids aren't in the car. SO un~baptist of me, but that's what I'm sayin' ...
It's one word that can change your world.

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